There are 164 teams signed up for this tournament, 164 teams have the correct number of players with BattleTags entered.
Name | Tag | Players |
CRC Inferno OW A | INF_OWA | 7 |
CRC Inferno OW B (X) | INF_OWB | 7 |
CRD Prime | CRDP | 8 |
Cronton Enforcers (TRC) | TeamCE | 7 |
Cronton Gladiators (TRC) | CroGlads | 6 |
CSG Gamers B | CSGG | 8 |
CyC Crusaders - ACS | CyC- ACS | 8 |
CyC Crusaders - Diamond | CyCDmd | 7 |
CyC Crusaders - Platinum | CyCPlat | 6 |
CyC Crusaders - Red | CyCGd | 7 |
Dearne Valley College Minotaurs - OWO | DVCM_OWO | 7 |
Derby Diamonds - OW | DCG | 8 |
Downend Esports | DOW | 7 |
Dragon Blades | DBLADES | 8 |
Dreigiau Cwm Rhymni | DREIGIAU | 7 |
Duke's Defenders 1 | DD1 | 8 |
Dunottar Warriors OWA | DWOWA | 6 |
East Norfolk Knights - Shield | ENK | 8 |
East Norfolk Knights - Sword | ENKSW | 6 |
ESC - Escape | Chaos | 8 |
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