There are 147 teams signed up for this tournament, 145 teams have the correct number of players with Steam/RL Names entered.
Name | Tag | Players |
JLC Rocket | JLC | 6 |
Jukes of Hazard | GCRLA | 5 |
KESBath Legion RL | KESRL | 6 |
Lakes Vanguards | LCWC2 | 5 |
Leamington Spartans | SPAR-RL | 5 |
Leamington Spartans 2 | SPAR-RL2 | 5 |
Leeds Legion RL 1 | LLRL1 | 4 |
Leeds Legion RL 2 | LLRL2 | 6 |
Llandrillo Dragons - Basalisks | LLDBa_RL | 5 |
Llandrillo Dragons - Basalisks2 | LLDB_RL2 | 6 |
Loughborough College Lycans | LBLycans | 5 |
Luxinate | LUX | 5 |
Maidens of Melee (X) | MoM | 1 |
Maltby Miners | MA | 5 |
MidKent Challenger's | MKC-C | 6 |
Millfield Rocket League | MFD_RL | 6 |
Morley Carbon Rockets (X) | MCARBONR | 1 |
NC Dodgers (X) | NCDODGER | 4 |
NC Typhoo | NCTYPHOO | 4 |
NC Wavedash | NCWAVDSH | 4 |
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